Řekni to poezií a ještě v angličtině
- 28.01.2021 14:12
- Básničky a rýmovačky našich žáků a žákyň ve výuce AJ
V době distanční výuky zadala paní učitelka Janková svým žákům z 8.A za úkol napsat básničku na téma SPACE. Podmínkou bylo použít budoucí čas (will/won’t) a slovíčka ze slovní zásoby lekce Journey into space. Většina žáků ji mile překvapila. Posuďte sami.
A dog will dream about going to a planet,
so he will make a rocket.
He won't have SARS,
so he will travel to Mars.
Even he will like the planet, he will wish to travel home
but he won't have a phone.
His lovely Scarlett
will save him from the planet.
He finally will be at home
playing with his Mars stone.
I had a very strange birth,
but it was on the Earth.
Me and my friend have a great friendship,
so we decided to buy a spaceshipKuba
I fly to the space with my rocket.
I will eat some chocolate.
I will fly close to the Sun.
It will be fun.
Then i fly to the space station.
It won't be a police station.Nela
When I have a rocket, I'll fly to Mars.
I will have a beautiful view of the sky with the stars.
There will be no happy life.
Then I'll go back to Earth.Ondra
I will go to the Sun,
with spaceship Hum.
I will be a new astronaut,
and will look on the satellite.
I will see the Moon, I say:
I will go there soon.
Now I am on the Sun
and I see my son.Martin
I will want my own planet
with all video games in its orbit.
I will play them every day
I will be the best player
Look! There’s a shining meteor.
When I will be twenty eight
I will think straight.
I will want to fly to space
somewhere where will be an empty place.
I want to see the sun very close
see the clouds flows.
Feel like a light feather
that flows in the cold weather.
I am dreaming a lot
am I an idiot?Magda
I will go to a star
in our cosmic car.
There I will see the future
without that beautiful nature.
Then I will start to cry,
because our planet will be dry.
I won't return to the Earth,
because no one will give there a birth.Honza
The name of our moon is Moon
do you hope we will land there soon?
I think it’s made of cheese
do you like some of these?Vicky
The Stars And Little Astronaut
What are the lights on the sky?
What are these little white shining balls
that everybody on the Earth knows?
My mind will get crazy
if I don’t hold them with Daisy.
Will you take off with me?
When we are waiting for the bus,
curiosity is chasing us?
I want to know their big shining boss
who always tanned my nose.
His name is the Sun.
And we will wear a brilliant white jacket
while sitting in our big rocket
which will take us to the lights
whose names are the stars.
The universe is such an unknown place,
I imagine only dark and magic space.
I do not want to be an astronaut,
I am not brave enough.
I love our Earth and Sun,
because I prefer everyday sureness and fun.- Zpět na seznam článků
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